Westland GrowBag
Product Ref: WGB35
Brand: Westland
This Westland Growbag is a versatile planting bag to use anywhere from a windowsill to your greenhouse. It is ideal for growing flowers as well as fruit and vegetables. The growbag contains a specially formulated compost which is rich in potash. This therefore helps to produce an abundance of flowers, fruit and vegetables.
- Ideal for flowers, fruit & vegetables
- Rich in potash for abundant flowering & fruiting
Why Use
The Westland Growbag is suitable for greenhouses, conservatories or patio use, inside or outside in a sheltered and sunny spot. Please remember to choose your growbag position carefully as it is unwise to move once crops are planted.
Ideal for
Tomatoes, Courgettes, Cucumbers, Aubergines, Fruit, Flowers or Herbs
When to Use
- Heated greenhouse mid March onwards
- Unheated greenhouse mid April onwards
- Outside (not frosty) mid May onwards
How to use
- Before use, shake the growbag until the compost has loosened to provide a greater depth for planting
- Cut along the dotted lines on top of the pack to reveal 3 planting holes
- Add about 7 litres (1.5 gallons) of water. Place plants into planting holes and firm compost around each plant
- Plant in central area of the growbag, firming compost well around the new plant
Using canes for support
- Position canes next to each plant being careful not to damage the plant roots
- Train main stem up the cane, securing with garden string. When growing tomato plants, remove all side shoots from between the leaf and the main stem
- When growing tomatoes aid pollination by carefully shaking or spraying the plants on a regular basis
- Keep moist, never allow to dry out
- If necessary, cut drainage slits in the side of the bag to prevent it from becoming water logged in wet weather
- Water frequently in hot weather. When first truss has set, feed with Tomato Food