Delphinium Delight Mix
Product Ref: 112945
Brand: Suttons
Average Packet Content 160 seeds
A popular variety producing tall spires of shapely double flowers, in a range of shade. A traditional 'cottage garden' favourite. Very attractive to bees. HP - Hardy perennial. Height 150cm (5'). (Seeds/plants harmful if eaten.)
Growing Information
Sow January-March under glass for flowers August-September, or sow May-July outdoors for flowers June-August the following year.
Sowing Information
Chilling in the fridge for 2 weeks prior to sowing may improve germination. For first year flowering -sow mid-January-March in trays at 13-21°C (55-70°F) onto a moist seed compost covering lightly. Germination 21-40 days. Transfer resulting seedlings 8cm (3") apart into further trays and acclimatise to outside conditions before planting out. For second year flowering - sow May-July direct into a well-prepared seedbed at a depth of 6mm (1?4"), thinning in stages to a final spacing of 45-60cm (11⁄2-2').