Gypsophila Covent Garden White
Product Ref: 117039
Brand: Suttons
Average Packet Content 1800 Seeds
A well-known variety boasting a profusion of larger-than-average flowers. Delicate, airy froth of flowers on widely branching plants. A perfect cut flower companion for sweet peas. HA - Hardy annual. Height 45cm (18").
Growing Information
Sow March-May for flowers June-September, or sow September for flowers June-August the following year.
Sowing Information
Sow mid-March-May direct into a finely raked, moist, warm soil where the plants are to flower at a depth of 6mm (¼") covering lightly. Germination takes 10-14 days. Thin seedlings in stages to 75-100mm (3-4") apart for final flowering. Alternatively, sow in September for early flowering the following year.