Hollyhock Chater's Mix
Product Ref: 117489
Brand: Suttons
A well-known and very beautiful variety of this cottage garden favourite. Strong stems of bright flowers in summer. HP - Hardy perennial. Height 180cm (6').
Growing Information
Usually grown as a biennial. Sow April-June for flowers June-August the following year, or sow direct outside May-June.
Sowing Information
Sow in a propagator on a windowsill or in a greenhouse at approx. 15-21°C (60-70°F) using a good quality, moist compost. Cover the seeds only lightly with sieved compost as light assists germination. Germination 10-12 days. Transplant seedlings, spaced out, into trays and grow on. Acclimatise plants gradually before planting out 38-45cm (15-18") apart. Choose a sunny position. Alternatively sow direct outside May/June.
N.B. Some 'single'; flowered types may occur.