Leek Musselburgh

Product Ref: 167223

Brand: Suttons

Price: £2.49


Average Pack 350 seeds

An extremely winter hardy variety. Good length, tasty white stems. A milder flavour substitute for onions in many culinary dishes.

  • Thick, white, tasty stems
  • Extremely winter hardy
  • Traditionally popular variety

Heritage Seed Variety, 1919 packet details - Greatly improved stock of Musselburgh leek, far superior to the ordinary strain. Highly Commended, Royal Horticultural Society, 1918.

Growing Information

For exhibition sow January-February under glass at 18-21°C (65-70°F). For general purpose sow March-April outdoors in prepared seedbed for use from October to April according to variety. (30-32 weeks maturity.)

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