Runner Bean Benchmaster

Product Ref: 198263

Brand: Suttons

Price: £3.49


Tried and tested for the UK climate, producing pods of over 40cm (16") in length! It boasts an excellent flavour and a long harvest period. Not only a great culinary variety but also ideal for the exhibition bench. A top quality, red-flowered, British-bred bean.

Growing Information

Full growing instructions given on packet. Sow: April under glass or cloches, or outdoors in May and June. (12-16 weeks maturity). A packet of seeds is enough for a double row of approximately 4.5m (15'). Harvest: July-October.

Sowing Information

Sow April - early June in pots or trays on a windowsill or in a greenhouse using a good quality compost. Cover seeds with 38mm (1 1?2") compost. Germination 7-14 days. Grow on, planting outside protecting with cloches until frost risk has passed. Alternatively, sow direct during May - June into warm, moist soil prepared by digging and raking. Erect canes or netting to eventually support the plants, sowing one seed per cane or at 15-23cm (6-9") intervals along the row, at a depth of 5cm (2"). Regular watering in dry periods spraying flowers with water to assist setting will be amply rewarded by a heavy crop of delicious, tender young beans for table and freezing. Height: 3m (10'). Sowing ➞ Cropping - 12-16 weeks.

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